Posted September 23, 2011 at 11:20 pm
Hey guys. I know there's a lot of site maintenance I still have to take care of, but I'm also working behind the scenes to create new merchandise. It's a bit slow going for now, but in the next couple of months I hope to have a lot of great new stuff to offer you guys.

Stickers: I made sticker designs for Death, Sakido, Iratu, Lazuli, and Azurai. I am currently communicating with a printing company in order to get the stickers printed the way I want. Because of budget restraints and the fact that the printing company I commissioned to make the SD trio stickers no longer exists, these stickers will be a little different. They should look just as good, though!

Figurines: the next two figurines I will have made are going to be Buwaro and Kieri. However, I'm not going to be submitting any designs for about another 1-1 1/2 months. A different offer for figurines came up, but it's too soon to tell whether or not it's safe for me to go for it. I'm going to bide my time and see how things go. If it doesn't work out, then it's back to Patch Together.
By the way, did you know you can get a refund for your Rhea figurine if its tail arrived broken?

Shirts: let's face it, the Cafepress stores look bad and they're full of outdated crap. If you see anything that catches your eye, though, you should buy it soon. I am planning to revamp the store before the end of the year with a ton of new designs, but I want to do it all at once. This could be your last chance for some of those t-shirts or mugs!

Charms: believe it or not, these are currently in production! I should have photos of them to share in about 1-2 weeks.

Hats: next month I'm going to use my *ahem* connections to try to get more of these made. Because I am inept I am unable and unwilling to spend the time making them by hand by myself, so I need to outsource production. I don't know how well this is going to work out, but rest assured I have not forgotten about them. If things go well, maybe some can be made available by Christmas?

A book: yes, I still want to make a book before the end of the year. This is my most requested item, and I have some ideas to make the book worthwhile despite the poor quality of old pages.

PLUSHIES!!!: Yeah, you read that right. I want to make plush dolls of Slightly Damned characters! I'm going to need your help, though. Making plushies is an extremely pricey and risky venture, so first I'm going to need to know what Slightly Damned plush design you guys want the most. Hop on over to the forums to vote in the very important poll that will determine which plush gets made and to get more details about the situation. Forum registration is required.

Oh yeah, and I wanted to remind you guys that I'm open for commissions, too. Phew! I've got a lot to do. I've really gotta learn how to manage my time better.