Have a question about the comic? Please consult this Frequently Asked Questions list first in case your question has already been answered.

Before Reading the Comic's Archive (spoiler-free)

When is the comic updated?
The comic is updated every Saturday. Sometimes it is updated more often depending on special circumstances.

How do you create the comics?
Once I have an idea for a comic I get some paper and I draw out a little “thumbnail” of what the page’s layout will be. I currently keep a small notebook full of page layouts and dialogue.

In the past, I would draw the comic with a regular mechanical pencil on a piece of 8.5 x 11" printer paper. Then, I scan it (or take a photo of it) into Adobe Photoshop CS5 and work on the comic from there. I like having the sketch to guide me. I still most of the original pencils for the comic up until page 567, which is when I switched to digital-only.

I used a WACOM Intuos4 tablet for all of my digital drawing for several years until my cat spilled water on it overnight and broke it in 2016. I then bought a Huion H610 screenless tablet and have been using it up until now (as of writing this, April 2024). In 2020, I switched from Photoshop to using Clip Studio Paint almost exclusively.

How did you think of this? Where did you get your inspiration?
I've always liked making characters and stories for as long as I can remember. I was drawing fan art and OCs back when I was in elementary school. In middle school, I wrote fanfiction for Sailor Moon in Pokémon. Back in the days of the early internet, I got into webcomics and decided to make one, too. I didn't think it would stick, but it sure did!

I get my inspiration from all sorts of places: the books I read, the games I play, the shows I watch. I favor anime, western animation, manga, other webcomics, and video games (particularly RPGs from Japan and indie developers). There's too many to reasonably list, so maybe we can have an interesting conversation about it someday!

How far do you plan ahead?
The story’s outline is planned out in my head for years to come. I have key, unchanging events that I work towards to make sure that the story feels satisfying to read when things eventually pay off. Some of the comic's content is generated as I go along, and I adapt as needed.

When it comes to individual page layouts, I usually plan them a couple of weeks in advance. Jokes and fine-tuning the dialogue come last, and I may make tweaks up to when the page is finally uploaded and published.

How long does it take you to complete a page?
The amount of time it takes to finish a page varied greatly on the comic's content, such as the number of characters, the intricacy of the backgrounds, and other factors. I used to make pages faster when I was younger because my artistic standards were lower as a result of my lack of experience. In the year 2024, I would guess the completion time for a single page could be anywhere from 8 hours to 20 hours per page. However, I usually work on them in batches, so that makes them hard to figure out.

If you'd really like to see what the process looks like, you can sometimes watch me work on new Slightly Damned pages on my Twitch channel: [hyenachu @ Twitch]

Do you have an ending in mind for the comic?

Yes. However, at the current pace we're going, we probably won't reach it for a long, long time. As of Part 12 [page 1104], I feel like I'm around 2/3 through the story. I'm committed to getting to the end eventually, but I want it to come out naturally without rushing things because I'm worrying about it taking too long.

Have you ever thought of making an animated version of Slightly Damned?
Sure, an animated version would be cool. But I'm not an animator. It would certainly be cool if I could hire an animator or a studio to make something... someday...

I have an idea for your comic. Want to hear it?
No. If you really want your idea to be featured in a comic, why not make your own? It would be so much more rewarding that way anyway, trust me. Besides, what if you happened to have the same idea as me? If I said, “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m going to do” it would sure sound like I’m stealing your stuff. In a worst case scenario, that could end up spelling legal trouble. No thank you!

Is this a furry/anthro comic?
Slightly Damned is made to appeal to a general audience without pandering to any specific group. I want the comic to be enjoyed by as many people as possible, whether they identify as furry or not.

As for me personally, I used to dislike being considered a furry, but now I embrace it.

What (web)comics do you read?
The comics I read and recommend are listed on the links page.

Any advice for an aspiring comic artist?
Write and draw what you want, not what you think will be popular. There are no shortcuts to hard work and practice. Get inspiration from everything, not just other comics. And if you don't enjoy the work, then there's no point!

Your question still not answered? E-mail me!

Questions About the Comic's Story/Characters, After Reading the Comic's Archive (SPOILER WARNING!)

What are those bandages on Rhea’s feet?
Contrary to popular belief, they are not bandages. It’s pretty much just cloth wrapped around her feet, tied on with string. [You can see what I mean in this reference sheet.]

Do the yellow stitches on Sakido’s clothes mean anything?
No. They’re not hiding any subliminal messages, and they’re not symbolic. They’re just random stitches.

As of page 92, what’s up with Rhea? Is she alive? Is she dead? Is she a zombie? What happens if she gets killed? What happened to her stab wound?
For all intents and purposes, Rhea is alive. She needs to eat, drink, and breathe, and she can be killed. As for what happens when she dies, that’s supposed to be a mystery. Her stab wound has closed and is now a big, ugly scar.

What happens when fire/water/wind Demons get drunk?
Fire Demons burp and shoot out flames as soon as they try to drink. [page 764] [page 939]

What happens to wind Demons is a mystery because it's a deliberate "Noodle Incident" joke. [TV Tropes: "Noodle Incident"]

As for water Demons... TBD.

Can you send me a guide for Angelic to English translations?
Unfortunately, I am no J.R.R. Tolkien. All the Angelic you see in the comic is a bunch of symbols I made up on the fly. There’s no guide, no translation. I did it that way because I deliberately wanted the Angelic not to be understood by anyone. This creative decision was inspired by my experiences growing up around many languages I didn't understand from my family, friends, and classmates.

Where is Rhea’s winter coat?
Because Rhea was trapped in Hell for a significant amount of time and popped back into Medius in the middle of winter, she missed her chance to grow a proper coat. She might have another chance to grow a coat when the next winter rolls around, depending on what the comic's story has to say about it!

Why is Kieri’s hair dyed differently from the other Angels we’ve seen in the comic?
Angels are all born with white hair. When they come of age, they start to dye their hair. Feminine-presenting Angels dye most of their hair and leave a little of it white. Masculine-presenting Angels leave most of their hair white and dye a little of it. Agender/non-binary Angels choose to dye all of their hair. Accessories like bandanas and other head gear are also socially acceptable alternatives. [example of an unnamed, nonbinary Angel: page 927] [page 1108]

I’ve seen ticked off Demons with glowing eyes. Are they going berserk?
No, they’re just pissed off. Demons can make their eyes glow at will. A Demon’s body will change dramatically when they go truly berserk, and after a while they end up dying. They can’t flux in between states.

Is Darius gay?

How are Cliff Sinclair and Seymour Sinclair related?
Seymour is Cliff’s uncle:

Is that Denevol on page 280?
No, it’s not. The Angel on page 280 can be seen dead in page 286. Angels just look really similar to one another.

If Kieri has to dye her hair to keep it blue, then how come we haven’t seen her white roots as time progresses?
Kieri has dyed her hair off screen. Miranda Sinclair is from The Dragon Island Archipelago, where dying one's hair is more common. She also keeps a supply that she sells to other people [page 597]. Kieri got her hair dye supply from her.

Is Sakido dead for good?

Your question still not answered? E-mail me!